Core functionalities

How does the core functionalities of ksctl work

Basic cluster operations


  • HA self-managed cluster (VM is provisioned and ssh into and configure them just like ansible)
  • Managed (cloud provider creates the clusters and we get the kubeconfig in return)


  • HA self managed cluster
  • Managed cluster


  • Only for ha cluster as the user has manual ability to increase the number of worknodes
  • Example: if workernode 1 then it will create 2 then 3…


  • Only for ha cluster as the user has manual ability to decrease the number of worknodes
  • Example: if workernodes are 1, 2 then it will delete from the last to first aka 2 then 1


  • It will just use the request from the user to get the kubeconfig from specific cluster and save to specific folder that is ~/.ksctl/kubeconfig


  • Both ha and manage cluster it will search folders in specific directory to get what all cluster have been created for specific provider

Example: Here for get request of azure it will scan the directory .ksctl/state/azure/ha and for managed as well to get all the folder names