
What does your user need to know to try your project?

Current Status on Supported Providers and Next Features

Supported Providers

Not Started
No Plans
flowchart LR;
  classDef green color:#022e1f,fill:#00f500;
  classDef red color:#022e1f,fill:#f11111;
  classDef white color:#022e1f,fill:#fff;
  classDef black color:#fff,fill:#000;
  classDef blue color:#fff,fill:#00f;

  XX[ksctl]--CloudFactory-->web{Cloud Providers};
  XX[ksctl]--StorageFactory-->web3{State Storage};

  civo:::green--managed-->civom[Create & Delete]:::green;
  civo--HA-->civoha[Create & Delete]:::green;

  local:::green--managed-->localm[Create & Delete]:::green;
  local--HA-->localha[Create & Delete]:::black;

  aws:::green--managed-->awsm[Create & Delete]:::green;
  aws--HA-->awsha[Create & Delete]:::green;

  az:::green--managed-->azsm[Create & Delete]:::green;
  az--HA-->azha[Create & Delete]:::green;

  k3s:::green--HA-->k3ha[Create & Delete]:::green;

  kubeadm:::green--HA-->kubeadmha[Create & Delete]:::green;


Next Features

Project Board

All the below features will be moved to the Project Board and will be tracked there.

  • Talos as the next Bootstrap provider
  • Green software which can help you save energy and also better somehow
  • WASM first class support feature
  • ML features unikernels and better ML workload scalability
  • Production stack for monitoring, security, to application specific application integrations like vault, kafka, etc.
  • Health checks of various k8s cluster
  • Role Based Access Control for any cluster
  • Ability import any existing cluster and also to respect the existing state and not overwrite it with the new state from ksctl but to be able to manage only the resources which the tool has access
  • add initial production ready for cert manager + ingress controller (nginx) + gateway api
  • add initial production ready for monitoring (prometheus + grafana) tracing (jaeger) Opentelemtery support
  • add initial production ready for Networking (cilium)
  • add initial production ready for service mesh (istio)
  • add support for Kubernetes migration like moving from one cloud provider to another
  • add support Kubernetes Backup
  • open telemetry support will lead to better observability by combining logs, metrics, and traces in one place and some amazing tools we can use to make the detection amazing with Alerting, suggestions, … from errors to suggestions based on some patterns

Last modified November 27, 2024: improved the roadmap section (098e15a)